Through Squirrel Eyes a great photographer, she had awarded me with "One Very Lovely Blog Award". That´s cool , "THANY YOU JUDY, I ADORE YOUR´S NATURE PHOTOS".
"One Very Lovely Blog Award". Rules for sharing this award are different than other awards because instead of just passing it on to just anyone, you are supposed to pass it on to NEW to YOU blogs you've just become familiar with, which is very, very cool! :1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link. You can also make a comment about the person who gave the award to you by asking your readers to stop by their blog, pay them a visit, leave a comment, or even 'follow' their blog if they feel led to.2) Pass the award on to other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Contact these bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award. Just go to their site and leave a comment to one of their posts telling them you have an award for them and to please come by your blog to get it. Just a little note: You pick the number of blogs to pass the award to, just give it to those you have recently discovered.A second note, I am not passing this award along as much as I am giving to you. Thank´s .
Kay Ryan born in San Jose ,California raised in San Joaquim Valley and the Mojave Desert attending Antelope Valley College, bachelor's and master's degrees in English from University of California , Los Angeles.lived in Fairfax California, Kkentfield.Carol Adair, who was Ryan published her sixth collection of poetry, The Niagara River, in 2005. Her first collection, Dragon Acts to Dragon Ends, published in 1983 second collection, Strangely Marked Metal (1985), her work went nearly unrecognized until the mid 1990s, when some of her poems were anthologized and the first reviews in national journals were published. receipt theRuth Lilly Poetry Prize in 2004. In July, 2008, the U.S. Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress for a one year term commencing in Autumn 2008.
A cat can draw the blind behind her eyes whenever she decides.Nothing alters in the stare itself but she's not there. Likewise a future can occlude: still sitting there, doing nothing rude.
As though the river were a floor, we position our table and chairs upon it, eat, and have conversation. As it moves along, we notice — as calmly as though dining room paintings were being replaced — the changing scenes along the shore. We do know, we do know this is the Niagara River, but it is hard to remember what that means.
Mirage Oases
First among places susceptible to trespass are mirage oases whose graduated pools and shaded grasses, palms and speckled fishes give before the lightest pressure and are wrecked. For they live only in the kingdom of suspended wishes, thrive only at our pleasure checked.
"I’m not an expert in the deck at all. My interest lies somewhere near a sense that words are like tarot cards, and that a poem manipulates unpredictable depths with its words. . . . I like the tarot because it works like poetry and because you don’t really have to ‘believe in’ anything. It’s there to be used. The symbols are remarkably durable and beautiful; they float out to encompass all kinds of meanings.” —Kay Ryan,“
SPACE FOREVERY TWO WEEKS SHOWS A POST OF MY LIST OF BLOGS. Travel on the rainbow from der Gauzibauzor Erika -Norbert
Griessklösschensuppe with real chicken broth
For the broth:
1 Chicken, in the end does it even chicken Klein Celery, carrot, parsley root, onion, leek, Bay leaf, 1 clove, lovage 1 and 1 / 2 hours to boil.
For the dumplings (dumplings): Something melted butter, semolina about two eggs, nutmeg, Parsley, salt into a dough. Note: The thinner the dough, the more the loose balls. I like when they loved the interior still has a hard core. With two teaspoons of small dumplings, and tap into the non- bubbling
DemetriosCapetanakis -Kapetanakis, Δημήτριος Καπετανάκης- Smyrna-1912London-1944 Greek poet, essayist and critic. Resident in the United Kingdom -from 1939, he wrote some poetry in English.He came to Athens when his mother fled the Asia Minor catastrophe and the invasion of Smyrna with her three children. He was a graduate of Athens University, where he was taught by Panagiotis kanellopoulos whom he would encounter again in the Greek government-in-exile in London, and held a doctorate from theUniversity of Heidelberg. . In 1939 with a scholarship from the Bristish Council he came to theUniversity of Cambridge, studying under Dadie Rylands He became a protégé of Edith Sitwel . In 1941 he met John Lehmann, who published Kapetanakis in New Writing and became a close friend. Through Lehmann he met Willian Plomer.In 1944 he died (leukemia)
The Isles of Greece & Other Poems
The sun is not in love with us, Nor the corrosive sea; Yet both will burn our dried-up flesh In deep intimacy With stubborn tongues of briny death And heavy snakes of fire, Which writhe and hiss and crack the Greek Myth of the singing lyre.
(Monograph contains the seventeen short poems written by the Greek philosopher Demetrios kapetankis before his death in 1944,in London . They are metaphysical poems, written in English, not his native language but one in which he achieved such mastery during the few years he lived in England that he was able to concentrate the intensity of his thought into the four-line stanza of English verse. ) "He had spoken more than once about his desire to write a poem representing a truth about Greece which Byron had missed in his famous poem; and now, into those twenty short lines he concentrated all that he felt about his country and her eternally renewed destiny of suffering, lines which are among the most tragic and haunting he ever wrote, and which express Greece perhaps more completely than anything that has been written in our time.John Lehmann "-
Introduction to his book Demetrios Capetanakis--- A Greek Poet in England -London, 1947
John Singer Sargent (January 12, 1856 – April 14, 1925) . The passion . . . El Jaleo 1882 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston Oil on canvas 237 x 352 cm (93 3/8 x 138 1/2 in.)
Federic Garcia Lorca born in Fuente Vaqueros, Granada,Spain June 5, 1898 he died near Granada, August 1936 . Murdered by the Nationalist at the start of the Spanish Civil War.Poet and dramatist. was a talented artist and a member of the 'Generation of 1927', a group of writers who advocated avant-gardism in literature. He read law at the University of Granada.García Lorca read law at the University of Granada.He studied music collaborating in the 1920s with Manuel de Falla, he plays piano and guitar. In Madrid he entered the Residence de Estudiantes, a modern college and the intellectual center of the town. Friend of Juan Ramón Jiménez and Pablo Neruda. With Salvador Dali and Louis Bunuel he did different productions. When the two made their notorious Un Chien Andalou (1928), García Lorca was offended: he thought that the film was about him. García Lorca became known even 'Libro De Poemas' (1921), a collection of fablelike poems. In 1923 García Lorca earned a degree in law, but the turning point in his literary career was folk music festival Fiesta de Cante Jondo in 1922, where he found inspiration for his work from the traditions of folk and gypsy music. In 1927 García Lorca gained fame with his romantic historical play arina Pineda where the scenery was constructed by Salavador Dali and the distinguished actress Margarita Xirgu played the heroine. By 1928, with the publication of RIMER ROMANCERO GITANO he was the best-known of all Spanish poets, and leading member of the 'Generation of 27', which included Luis Cernuda, Jorge Guillen, Pedro Salinas, Rafael Alberti and others. In 1929-30 García Lorca lived in the city of New York, on the campus of Columbia University. suffered a deep culture shock. His suicidal mood was recorded in posthumously published POETA EN NUEVA YORK(1940, Poet in New York), in which he praised Walt Whitman. , He escapes to Havana to experience the harmony of a more primitive life. After visitCuba García Lorca was back in Spain by 1931, and continued with theatre productions. He became the head the traveling theatrical company, La Barraca, which brought classical plays and other dramas to the provinces. After the death of his friend, a bullfighter, García Lorca wrote ament for the Death of a Bullfighter(1935), which has been regarded by most critics as his greatest poem. . The figure of one man facing death in the bullring, exemplified by his friend Ignacio Sánchez Mejías, expressed the author's tragic sense of death. Mejías himself had written a play and he was well-known in the literary circles. Lorca's The Spanish Civil War began in 1936 and García Lorca was seen by the right-wing forces as an enemy. The author hid from the soldiers but he was soon found, dragged from a friend's house, and shot in Granada on August 19/20 of 1936 without trial by the Nationalists. The circumstances of his death are still shrouded in mystery.
Gacela of Unforseen Love
No one understood the perfume of the dark magnolia of your womb. Nobody knew that you tormented a humming bird of love between your teeth.
A thousand Persian little horses fell asleep in the plaza with moon of your forehead, while through four nights I embraced your waist, enemy of the snow.
Between plaster and jasmins, your glance was a pale branch of seeds. I sought in my heart to give you the ivory letters that say "siempre",
"siempre", "siempre" : garden of my agony, your body elusive always, that blood of your veins in my mouth, your mouth already lightless for my death.